Granalix Bio Technologies Ltd

Granalix Bio Technologies Ltd

Since 2013 Granalix Bio Technologies has been researching, producing, and marketing high-absorption food supplements based on concrete scientific findings.

Our Science
We lead the field in nanotechnology­ based supplements, backed by extensive clinical studies at renowned medical centers. Our goal is to empower healthier lives through scientifically proven innovations.

Omega 3 and Nanotechnology
NanoGard-Omega 3 is a food supplement based on nanotechnology for optimal absorption.

The use of Nanotechnology enables a far greater absorption up to 4 times more in the various body tissues. Efficient absorption enables the use of smaller quantities of oil.

Company Category

  • Brand

Raw Material Source

  • Fish

Product Form

  • Soft gels

Finished Product Category

  • Dietary Supplement