Proud Member Logo
The GOED Proud Member logo was created to allow members of GOED, the Global Organization of EPA and DHA Omega-3s, to showcase their commitment to integrity, responsible behavior and the production of quality products. This page is designed to highlight GOED members who have branded products and have chosen to include the Proud Member Logo on their product package.
The logo indicates the quality associated with the GOED Voluntary Monograph and GOED's Ethics Guidelines. GOED members are required to sign an affidavit upon joining GOED certifying that they will adhere to the GOED monograph, which is the benchmark for quality in the global industry.
Members have historically been allowed to use the Proud Member logo on marketing materials, websites and trade show booths. Members were first allowed to the logo on consumer product packaging in 2019. Member companies who use the logo on their labels are listed on
If you are interested in putting the GOED logo on your product labels, a licensing agreement must be signed. Please contact Ashley Becnel for further information.