Vesteraalens AS is an innovative seafood and marine ingredients company from Norway, located 68 degrees North and about 300 km north of the Arctic circle. Our main ingredient products are cod liver oils of the highest quality standards (f.e. Premium-CLO DS-1).
The pristine, clear waters along the North-Norwegian coastline and carefully controlled, MSC- and FoS-certified fisheries guarantee a sustainable supply of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and other species of the cod-fish family.
Fishing grounds very close to harbors and landing sites, secure utmost freshness and quality of the landed cod (without the need of any freezing).
Vesteraalens was founded already in 1912 as a seafood company introducing an innovative approach to produce canned seafood. Today, the company utilises the landed fish in the most responsible way, both by making fish food products and using side streams for marine ingredients. The seperated livers of the migrating cod – in Norway called Skrei - is gently processed into Premium-quality cod liver oils. These oils are unique regarding purity, cleanliness and excellent sensory properties.
The sustainable sourcing, careful handling and full vertical integration from fishing vessels to finished oils are key factors assuring the superior quality of our oils, enabling its use in Premium dietary supplements and even Omega3-enriched food products.