GOED Launches Special Achievement Program to Recognize Third-Party Laboratories with High Accuracy in Quantification of EPA and DHA in Omega-3 Oils

The Global Organization for EPA and DHA Omega-3s (GOED) is proud to introduce a Special Achievement Program designed to acknowledge third-party laboratories with exceptional accuracy in quantifying EPA and DHA levels in omega-3 ingredient oils and omega-3 supplement products.

Laboratories that have participated in the AOCS-GOED Nutraceutical Oil Laboratory Proficiency Program are welcome to apply to the program by submitting their latest results. The title of "Special Achievement" will be given to qualifying laboratories for a one-year term. During this period, GOED will actively promote these laboratories to its members and the public. Additionally, GOED will prioritize referring these laboratories to companies seeking testing facilities for the quantification of EPA and DHA.

The Special Achievement Program represents GOED's ongoing commitment to quality and enhancing consumer confidence in omega-3 products. The aim of the program is to assist more third-party laboratories in achieving higher accuracy in EPA and DHA quantification. For more information about the Special Achievement Program and how to apply, visit GOED’s website.

About GOED: GOED (Global Organization for EPA and DHA Omega-3s) represents the worldwide EPA and DHA omega-3 industry, with a mission to increase consumption of EPA and DHA omega-3s around the world. The membership is built on a quality standard unparalleled in the market and members must comply with quality and ethics guidelines that ensure members produce quality products that consumers can trust. Our 200+ members and partners represent the entire supply chain of EPA and DHA omega-3s, from fisheries and crude oil suppliers to refiners, concentrators and finished product brands.


Media Inquiries: 

Vicky Lin, Marketing Communications Manager

Email: vicky@goedomega3.com