Ceres Consulting

Ceres Consulting

Ceres Consulting provides management expertise and strategic direction to companies operating or interested in the human nutrition, functional food and dietary supplement sectors, with areas of expertise in market development and regulatory and government affairs.
Some of Ceres market development projects have included evaluation of new dietary ingredients and positioning in the US and Canadian markets, market research for nutritional products in supplement and food sectors, product form development requirements for supplements and foods, food technical applications support needs, patent strategy and commercial protection for innovative product, and trade promotion programs and development of Public Affairs programs.
Our regulatory and government affairs experience includes regulatory strategy development and product approval requirements in the USA and Canada for dietary supplements and foods, GRAS Ingredient Self Affirmations, with and without FDA notification, 75 Day New Dietary Ingredient petitions, health claims and nutritional labelling, and general toxicology requirements for FDA approvals for Dietary Supplements and foods. International collaborations in England, European Union, Australia, SE Asia.
Ian Newton was one of the founders of the GOED Trade Organization and its precursor organization within the Council For Responsible Nutrition. The vision, which continues to this day, was to develop, grow and have recognized globally, long chain omega-3 nutrients as a critical ingredient in human nutrition.

Company Category

  • Consultant/Association/Media