

From fragrances to farming, meals to micronutrients, our business units address the latest consumer needs and wants to help our customers realize their ambitions – and bring progress to life.

In Health, Nutrition & Care, we deliver lipids and other critical nutrients for proactive health in every stage of life and every sort of lifestyle.

In Perfumery & Beauty, we delight the world with superior scents created from a palette of sustainable ingredients.

In Taste, Texture & Health, we partner with the food and beverage industry to overcome the trade-off between palate and planet.

In Animal Nutrition & Health, we power the production of sustainable animal protein, transforming global food systems for good.

Company Category

  • Refiner
  • Concentrator
  • Brand
  • Value Add Manufacturer (Powders, Emulsions, etc.)
  • Equipment Manufacturer

Raw Material Source

  • Algae
    • Algal DHA Oil
    • Algal EPA Oil
    • Algal EPA and DHA Oil
  • Anchovy
  • Fish
  • Mackerel
  • Plant-based
  • Sardine
  • Tuna

Omega-3 Chemical Form

  • Triglyceride
  • Ethyl Ester
  • rTG

Product Form

  • Emulsion
  • Gummy
  • Liquid/oil (Concentrate, Refined oil, Crude Oil)
  • Powder
  • Soft gels

Finished Product Category

  • Clinical Nutrition/Medical Foods
  • Dietary Supplement
  • Fortified Food/Beverage
  • Infant Formula
  • Pet Food & Supplements
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Seafood


  • Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)
    Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)
  • Friend of the Sea
    Friend of the Sea
  • USP Verified Dietary Supplement Program
    USP Verified Dietary Supplement Program
  • IFOS (International Fish Oil Standards Program)
    IFOS (International Fish Oil Standards Program)