What is the size and value of the EPA and DHA omega-3 finished product market?

The EPA and DHA omega-3 finished product market size reached US$52.4 billion in 2023. Global price inflation in 2022 drove sales upward despite volume declines in many categories, leading the global EPA and DHA consumer product market to a projected annual growth rate of 3.3% through 2025.

How can I learn more?

GOED, the Global Organization for EPA and DHA Omega-3s, has published a Finished Product Report that describes the size and value of the global finished product market for EPA and DHA oils. For the purposes of this report, an omega-3 finished product is a product containing EPA and/or DHA omega-3s, which are often used as an ingredient in dietary supplements, fortified foods and beverages, pharmaceuticals, clinical nutrition/medical food, infant formula and pet food/supplements. 

Finished product sales estimates and projections are detailed by finished product category. The report also includes forecasts through 2023 and an analysis of the geographic trends and factors influencing market growth.

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Charts and figures include:

  • Figures by Region
    • United States
    • Canada
    • Mexico
    • South America
    • Europe
    • Australia / New Zealand
    • China
    • Japan
    • Rest of APAC
    • Rest of Asia
    • Rest of World
  • Figures by Finished Product Category
    • Dietary Supplement
    • Food & Beverage
    • Pet Food
    • Infant Formula
    • Pharmaceutical
    • Clinical Nutrition/Medical Food

Alexis Cabanetos Business Development Manager
The scientific and market information that GOED provides has been very useful for me in understanding the EPA+DHA omega-3 market, related technical details and trends, and nurturing our strategy with relevant and updated data. The information is highly accessible, easy to use, clear and comprehensive. The industry can rely on GOED's work to have a clear picture of the market and regulatory and scientific information related to omega-3s.
Alexis Cabanetos
Business Development Manager

Which EPA and DHA market report is the most accurate?

This extensive report is compiled by GOED. Because we have very strong credibility in the market, we are uniquely positioned to access detailed business intelligence from our members. As a result, this is the most accurate and comprehensive report available on the global EPA and DHA finished products category.

Cost of report: US$2,500 (includes the report and an appendix of supplementary figures).

NOTE FOR GOED MEMBERS: The report is complimentary for Leadership and Plus level GOED members. Base-level members can get the report at a discounted rate of US$1,500. If you are a Base-level member, log into your account and refresh this page to purchase at the discounted rate.

Please contact us for any help accessing the member discount or to request a sample.